Tuesday, May 27, 2014

In Jayne's World, 25 Word Hint Challenge



Jayne Martin offers up a challenge this week to get us writing after the long weekend. Her blog post is HERE.

Per Jayne:

The challenge:  Write a story (beginning, middle and end) that hints at a larger story, but is complete within itself, in 25 words or less.  The most famous piece of hint fiction was written by Hemingway:

            For sale:  Baby Shoes.  Never worn.

Hint Fiction demands reader involvement.  “Why were the baby shoes never worn?” we’re left to contemplate.   It hints at much more, yet is complete in and of itself.

Here is one from Jayne: 

                                  “News at Eleven”

          A shiny, new tricycle on the sidewalk, abandoned.

          A single, blue sneaker at the curb.

          From the house, a mother calls:  “Tommy, supper!” 

Write your story on your own blog, then come back here and add a link in the comments below and also add your link to Jayne's blog HERE.  

Be sure and visit everyone else’s offering and support your fellow writers with a comment.  If you don’t have a blog, you may leave your story in my comment section below.  Write and post as many as you want.  

Here's mine: 

Too Soon

Pink flowers lay on the grave. Too short a life buried beneath. Tears uncontrolled, swallowed the congregation in a tidal wave of agony and grief.


  1. Beautiful and so powerful, Sherry. Thanks for participating. Off to share.

  2. Beautiful, and very apt, considering the loss we all had today. I posted mine here: http://traceybaptiste.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/the-appetizer-to-an-upcoming-story/

    1. Thanks for dropping by and for the kinds words, Tracey.

  3. Wow, what a poignant piece of writing.

  4. My blog isn't up yet. But here's mine:

    To her audience she said, "At age fifteen I thought, one day I'll be a famous author."

  5. Very good, Nellie. Thanks for joining in the fun. :-)

  6. Very sad and emotional. Tightly written.

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting. :-)

  7. Really nice piece of writing--tight, taut, and terribly sad.

  8. Sad. Just enough info to make you wonder...who...and why. Very poignant.

  9. I was hooked immediately. So many options.

  10. Sometimes there are no words... just tears. Beautifully done.

    1. Thank you for dropping by and for the nice comments. :-)

  11. Nice. Thanks for sharing both (and I've always loved Hemingway's :-) )
